PTO Membership and Directory

PTO Membership and Directory

Welcome to another school year!

We hope you’ll consider joining the PTO this year.

Who is CSS PTO?

We are a collaborative group made up of parents, teachers and staff who take an interest in working to support curriculum, build community and raise funds to enhance student learning at Cottage. PTO welcomes your input and involvement at any time, and the fee paid to join will go to work for all of our children.

What does CSS PTO do?

PTO volunteers act as room parents, serve on on-going committees and give their time and energy at events held through the year. There is something for everyone’s taste, talent and availability within PTO. CSS PTO fundraises throughout the year and chances are good that if your child came home talking about a special presentation, a field trip, or using some exciting new equipment in class, CSS PTO had some hand in bringing that to Cottage. Our goal is to support exciting learning opportunities for our children, aid teachers in their classrooms and enhance community at Cottage.

Why should you get involved?

Communities work best when the people who are a part of them step up and join together to work towards common goals. Cottage is a central part of all our children’s lives and by giving some time, expertise, or financial support to the work of CSS PTO we provide tremendous support to Cottage, helping to ensure it is a place our children thrive. It’s as simple as that.