Forms, Flyers & Links

Please note that many of the event forms will be updated for the 2019-2020 school year closer to the date of the respective events.

Welcome Letter and Membership Drive

CSS PTO Calendar

PTO Directory Opt-Out Form

Celebration Books Flyer

Lunch Bunch Flyer

White Paper on Homework


CORI Background Check
Required for spending time on campus or chaperoning field trips.

Committee Request Form
To form a new committee of the Cottage Street School PTO 

Room Parent Volunteer Request Form


Cottage Street School official Web site

Cottage Street School PTO on Facebook

Community Education (Before and After Care)

Friends of Art and Music Education (F.A.M.E.) invite you to support art and music programs in the Sharon Public Schools by becoming a member. F.A.M.E. meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in Room 602 at Sharon High School. All are welcome.  For the latest news, like us on Facebook.

The Mission of the Sharon Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SSEPAC) is to work towards the understanding of, respect for, support, and appropriate education for all children with special needs in the community of Sharon, Massachusetts.

Sharon Education Foundation
The Sharon Education Foundation (SEF), an independent nonprofit organization, is dedicated to providing innovative and challenging programs, and supporting professional development in the public schools and our community. SEF solicits donations and financial contributions to fund grants for programs that would not be possible under normal budgetary constraints. Our website showcases many of the wonderful projects that benefit our schools, students, staff and community members as well as the various means of supporting SEF.