Please Join Cottage PTO Today for $35! To join, please use the QR code. Make sure to include your last name, email address and PTO membership in the notes section. You can also paypal @CSSPTO your $35 membership fee.

If you sign up to be a member it does not mean you need to volunteer or attend a PTO meeting.
We hope all families will join the Cottage Street School PTO and support our programs for students and teachers. Your donations go directly to supporting our teachers and bringing programming to our classrooms. Additionally, please consider making a donation to support our work by selecting the yellow donate button on the right of this page.
Please contact Sara Nasser, membership chair, at [email protected] with any questions!
Get involved—for your students, for our community
A few ways to support Cottage Street School are listed below. Participation can be as much or as little time as you are able to give.
- Join one of the many active PTO Committees serving our school population. Email us if you are interested in joining one of our committees.
- Become a Room Parent.
- Volunteer in a classroom (some teachers request classroom helpers).
- Teach a course or assist with the annual elective program.
- Help with Fun Fair or Family Night set-up, sign-in or clean-up.
All volunteers are greatly appreciated by the children, families and staff of the school! It’s a great way to get to know the many families at Cottage.
A letter from the PTO Executive Committee
Dear Cottage Cougar Families,
Welcome to the new school year 2022-23. We understand that these times are very trying for our community in so many respects. Teachers are under tremendous pressure and could benefit from our appreciation and confidence in them.
To that extent, the PTO Executive Board met and has these goals for the upcoming year:
- Promote diversity, inclusion, and kindness by working with Mr. Madden and the Cottage Diversity Committee to create educational opportunities, both inside and outside of the classroom, for the children and parents.
- Continue to support school safety with PPE and supplies that are needed to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, as well as to make sure the teachers have everything the need to deliver both hybrid and remote instruction to the children safely and effectively.
- Find creative ways to fundraise to continue school programming, stipends for teachers, and to purchase new items such as an external drop box and audio equipment for teachers.
We cannot do this without you. We need your energy and ideas! Please reach out to us at [email protected]. Also make sure to visit our website at and like our Facebook page
With Warm Regards,
Colleen, James, Jeff and Bethanne
PTO Executive Board
Hello CSS PTO Web Master!
You have done a fabulous job with the online directory and membership. So convenient and easy to follow. I love it. In spirit of providing a feedback that could help improve the online form even more I would like to give a minor suggestion. If one has two children at the school and each child has a different last name (what will be the case in my family, few years down the line) I would not know how to fill out the form. Please do not take this as criticism, I just thought I will help as I know you are simply volunteering your time to help this amazing community. Thank you for all you are doing.
Hi Linda,
We actually had this happen this year and I’ll be amending the form for next year to allow for kids with different last names. Thanks for the feedback!
Thank you!
Thanks for going online!
The form is even better than last year. Great job. Thank you for listening. and always trying to do even better. L.