Fun Fair Volunteer Sign-ups!

Fun Fair Volunteer Sign-ups!


Below are the staffing needs for the Fun Fair. Most volunteer slots run one hour but please consider signing up for a grade game booth slot and one other area (or more!). Some volunteer positions are intended for adults only. Others can be filled by middle or high school students and elementary aged kids (and younger) can join their parents in running game booths. Please be sure you are signing up for the appropriate slot. For new families, descriptions of the jobs are included in the sign ups and also below. Fun Fair Veterans will be in each area to guide volunteers on the day of the fair. Areas marked with * are open to Adult Volunteers; areas marked + are open to Middle/High School Volunteers; and areas marked # are open to 5th graders.

Kindergarten games
Glitter Tattoos *+   Prize Table *+
First grade games & donationsCake Room *+ Raffle Table*
Second grade games
Musical Cakes Game *+Ticket Sales *
Third grade games & donationsCake Donations Cougar Gear (coming soon)
Fourth grade games
Critter Room*   National Honor Society Volunteers
 5th Grade food donationsCash Tornado Game*5th Grade Cafe

Game Booths: Each grade runs three carnival style games. Take tickets and help kids play the games. Elementary kids (or younger) can help parents. 

Cake Room: Receive donated cakes that families deliver throughout the day and distribute cakes to Cake party game winners. Located in the Gym. 

Musical Cakes Game: Manage the line and take tickets for the Musical Cake Game (like musical chairs to win cakes).  

Critter Room: Take tickets and monitor capacity. Halt sales as needed. 

Cash Tornado Game: Take tickets and refill machine as needed. Instructions will be provided. 

Glitter Tattoos: Apply glitter tattoos. All materials provided. 

Prize Room: Collect coins and distribute prizes. 

Raffle Table: Sell Raffle tickets.

Ticket Sales: Sell tickets for games glitter tattoos and critter room. Located in two locations in Cottage (Gym and hallway).