Check out the Fun Fair Cafe Menu! Come and be served by our very own Cottage fifth graders! Tips received will be put towards the 5th grade fund for end of year activities.
CHECK OUT THE OVER 60 AWESOME ITEMS IN THE FUN FAIR RAFFLE THIS YEAR! EARLY BIRD RAFFLE BOOKLET! Completed early bird tickets and payments (cash or check made payable to “CSS PTO”) must be returned to school by the end of the school day on Thursday, …
Fun Fair Volunteer Sign-ups!
THANK YOU FOR VOLUNTEERING TO MAKE FUN FAIR A SUCCESS! Below are the staffing needs for the Fun Fair. Most volunteer slots run one hour but please consider signing up for a grade game booth slot and one other area (or more!). Some volunteer positions …
World Down Syndrome Day
Let’s celebrate World Down Syndrome Day March 21st! World Down Syndrome Day is March 21st, signifying individuals who are rocking three copies of their 21st chromosome! Join us that Sunday at 4:00 pm on Zoom for a reading of the books “This is Ella” and …
Chinese New Year Event
In honor of Chinese New Year(Feb. 12, 2021), we will host a zoom event on Feb. 26, 2021 showing a celebration of Chinese New Year with Q & A regarding the celebration and Chinese culture. Join Zoom Meeting: ID: 274 805 0447
Black History Month
In Celebration of Black History Month on February 9th at 7:00pm there will be a reading from Sulwe from Lupita Nyong’o followed by interactive conversation and dance. Starting on February 1, there will be a display at the front door of Cottage celebrating Black excellence …
PTO Meeting – February
Join us for our February PTO Thursday February 4, 2021 at 7pm. Our guest speaker is Senora Rutecki (formerly Billings), Spanish teacher and Foreign Language in Elementary Schools Coordinator. Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 849 5798 9353 Passcode: 004114
Russian Book Reading
We will continue our Zoom Into The Culture Series on January 14th at 7PM. Join us to read Morozko (Father Frost), a Russian folk tale. The story teaches the value of kindness by exposing and punishing greed and envy. Meet traditional characters that transcend cultures …
PTO Meeting
Join us for our January PTO Thursday January 7, 2021 at 7pm. Our guest speaker will be Claire Jones, Sharon’s METCO Director.