First PTO meeting of the year, Tuesday Sept 10

Welcome back to school Cottage families, and welcome to the new families to the Cottage community!

We are holding our first PTO meeting of the 2013-2014 year on Tuesday, September 10 at 7p, in the Cottage library. (Most meetings are held first Thursday of the month, but September is the only exception.)

We encourage anyone to attend our meetings and hear about current and future activities at Cottage Street School (CSS). We have many committees dedicated to enriching our students’ academic experience, as well as to making Cottage a fun place to learn and grow. Each committee is lead by experienced chairs, and most committees take modest volunteer time, but the rewards to our kids and the engagement families feel are great. And since free child care is available at the meetings, it’s easy to join us for the evening.

So welcome to the new school year! And if you have any questions please write to [email protected]

Eric Norman, PTO Web manager