It’s Teacher Appreciation Week: May 2-6

It’s Teacher Appreciation Week: May 2-6

Our future is written in schools across our country. It is likely that the first person who will go to Mars is in a classroom today. Our students are our future teachers, scientists, politicians, public servants, and parents — a generation that will steer the course we will take as a people and make possible things we have not even imagined yet. We look to the women and men standing in front of classrooms in all corners of our country — from cities to reservations to rural towns — to vest America’s daughters and sons with the hard skills they will need to put their dreams within reach and to inspire them to dream even bigger. On National Teacher Appreciation Day and during National Teacher Appreciation Week, let us ensure our educators know how much we value their service in the classroom, how much we appreciate all they do for our students and families, and how thankful we are for their contributions to our national progress. “

-President Barack Obama, Excerpt from National Teacher Appreciation Day and National Teacher Appreciation Week 2016 Proclamation

Thank you for helping to honor our wonderful teachers and staff!


  • Monday, 5/2 Breakfast
  • Tuesday, 5/3 Flower Day
  • Wednesday, 5/4 Lunch
  • Thursday, 5/5 Supply Day
  • Friday, 5/6 Ice Cream Bar

Volunteers are still welcome!
Sign Up for general help Or donate items for the Teacher Breakfast. Thank you!