Fun Fair Raffle: Early Bird tickets on sale now!

Thanks to the support of our wonderful school community, we once again have over 50 fantastic prizes for the Fun Fair Raffle. Download the final flyer PDF here, or read on for more details…

This year’s prizes include:

  • The new Apple iPad 3, Donated by the 4th grade classes, as well as an Amazon Kindle, Beats headphones, and other electronics
  • A range of New Hampshire and Vermont getaways
  • An American Girl doll
  • Over 60 other gift cards, toys, and tickets for the whole family
The drawing takes place at the Fun Fair, but you don’t have to be there to claim your prize. Winners will be posted on this Web site after the drawing.
For those who want to get in on the action early or who may not be able to attend Fun Fair, raffle tickets are now available for purchase. Please take your time to preview the amazing prizes and encourage friends, family, neighbors and co-workers to buy tickets.
Tickets will also be on sale at Fun Fair on March 25. Prize winners will be announced at the end of Fun Fair and do not have to be present.
  • Early bird tickets and payments must reach school by than Thursday, March 22.
  • Cash or checks (payable to “CSS PTO”)
  • In our efforts to conserve paper the booklet has been condensed slightly. If you exceed the amount of tickets provided, which we hope you will, please contact me for more or feel free to make your own copies (Download the ticket PDF)
  • Please ensure raffle item number appears on all tickets
  • Questions: [email protected]

Good luck!