A letter from the PTO Executive Committee

Dear Cottage Cougar Families,

The Cottage Street School Parent Teacher Organization (CSS PTO) has many exciting events and activities planned for this year, as Cottage Street kicks off its theme, “Year of Wonder“. We encourage you to become involved! It is a great way to create lasting friendships, while enriching our children’s daily activities.

Did you know? In June, the PTO donated thousands of dollars to purchase new playground equipment, Cougar TV equipment, a new portable FM system, and nursing supplies. Donations were made to the school library to purchase non-fiction books, and for the Drama program. We also set money aside for future playground improvements.

The PTO sponsors many special programs, such as the Yo-Yo Show, and programs from the Museum of Science and the New England Aquarium, which our children would not otherwise have been able to experience.

In the beginning of the year, we have a teacher reimbursement program, which helps teachers to make special purchases to enrich their classrooms. We run two Book Fairs, in the fall and spring, and have a monthly community service project that all classes participate in: putting together lunches for Mainspring House, a local shelter for the homeless. We run family fun nights and game nights, which helps to bring our community together and is a great way to meet your child’s classmates and their families.

We have a fabulous event every spring—our annual Fun Fair. Fun Fair generates the majority of our fundraising income and provides a great time for not only CSS families but also for the entire community.

Your membership and participation are vital in making these things happen! The annual PTO membership drive is now underway and we invite all families to join. Only those families that become members will receive the 2012-2013 Cottage Street School Telephone Directory. The directory is always handy to contact classmates for birthday parties and play dates.

PTO meetings will be held on the first Thursday of each month in the school library at 7:00 pm. Childcare is provided, free of charge.

We are look forward to seeing many old and new friends.

With many thanks,

Rhonda, Meg, Elizabeth and Ellen

CSS PTO Executive Board